Marketing a self-published book can be a hard prospect for many authors. This is because, you are expected to do most of the work yourself.
Whereas if you are working with a traditional publishing house, almost all the work is done for you by your publishing team. Which is why as a self-published author, you should find alternative ways to market your work.
The most important aspect of marketing a self-published book is that you should have a strategy that will make your marketing campaign as effective and efficient as possible.
Here are 6 tips for effectively marketing your self-published books.
When it comes to marketing a self-published book, there is nothing more important than having an online presence. The world is practically hooked on the internet, and a multitude of people are online every single day.
And what’s more, people nowadays tend to look to the internet for confirmation, should they need any proof that a product is worth buying they always look to the internet.
Which is why you should make sure that you have an online presence. And one of the best and affordable ways is to have an author blog.
By having an author blog, you are technically making an online platform from where you can market and sell your books. And the best thing about making your own author blog?
It’s the fact that author blogs are practically free. There are a multitude of sites that allow you to create your very own blog site for a very minimal price.
Through your blog site you can do practically anything. You can market your book to your chosen market, you can reach out to readers and create a reputation for yourself.
You can also post articles, poems and even excerpts of your book through your blog. All in all, having an author blog of your very own is a great way to jumpstart your book marketing campaign.
For a self-published author, there are few marketing tools more effective than social media. This is because social media is a very potent way to spread word of your book through a relevant form of media.
In truth a majority of people all over the world use social media on a daily basis. So if you want to spread word of your book effectively, it is important that you use social media as much as possible.
The most important part of using social media, is that you know how to use it as effectively and efficiently as possible. This is because there are a myriad of social media sites out there.
And if you don’t know how to discern which social media sites are the most effective then you would just waste all your time and effort.
For starters it is a good idea to market your book through some of the most popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Through Facebook, you can reach out to all your Facebook friends and post advertisements of your book through their own Facebook page.
You can also Tweet teasers and information about your book. And this is only a few examples of how you can market your book through social media.
Just remember that you have to be consistent in your social media marketing, the more time and effort that you put into the process, the more effective your book marketing will be.
Aside from marketing your book through Facebook, it is always a good idea to reach out to fellow authors.
Establishing a rapport with fellow authors is a great way to enhance your book marketing capabilities and also enhancing your influence in the literary world.
Through your relationship with other authors you would most likely have permission to post book marketing advertisements through their Facebook accounts.
And you can also post excerpts of your book and other works through their author blog. All in all the more authors you know, the more effective your marketing campaign will be.
Yet another way to get your book the media attention it needs is to have your book reviewed and posting the reviews alongside your other book advertisements.
As for the question of where to have your book reviewed, you have some good options. One great option is to send a copy of your work to fellow authors.
The more established the better. Nothing makes a book sell better than a positive review from a well -known author who writes in the same genre as you.
The only set back is that there is a chance that your chosen author would not oblige to your request. This is where you look to other options.
Luckily, there are various online sites that you can have your work reviewed for free. But the important thing you should remember is that you should get everything perfect first.
Make sure that your book is in the best condition ever. Double check your work for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. That way, you are sure that your book is in the best possible condition to be reviewed.
No matter how efficient you are as a book marketer there are always some aspects that you will be lacking.
Foremost amongst these weaknesses is your inability to reach out to a larger demographic and the lack of connections needed to fully realize your book marketing campaigns. It is during these times that you should look for help.
When it comes to marketing a book, there is nothing more potent than having a good reputation. This is because a good reputation is a clear sign that you have a fan base.
Which is why no amount of book marketing can replace a good reputation. But how can you cultivate a good reputation as an author?
Lucky for you, it is quite achievable. The only condition is that you put in the work and you start as early as possible.
Before you even think of creating a book, you should have already laid the groundwork for your reputation as an author. There are many ways that you can do so.
One way is to write for as many online forums and periodicals as you can. It goes without saying that you should write for a periodical that is involved in the same genre as yours.
Yet another way is to cultivate a fan base through your author blog. By releasing articles and other works through your author blog, you are slowly but surely cultivating the fan base for your book.
All in all, the success of your book release is not solely determined by the quality of your writing. But also by how much effort you put into the marketing process.